Friday, February 26, 2016

Lasagna Soup

Photos and recipe from

Elizabeth has had this soup pinned on Pinterest from day one. She has asked every week if "this" is the week we can make lasagna soup. I have hesitated because as I have gotten older, I don't tolerate pastas and tomato bases as well as I used to, and it's just something I mostly steer clear on... but I finally caved.

I am pretty much going to call this soup a "user error" fail. I followed the recipe to the letter except I did use ground sirloin instead of Italian sausage (remember Marty hates Italian sausage).... What I did NOT do is follow my instincts on the recipe.

I am assuming on the blog where she talks about her herb garden that maybe she meant "2 teaspoons fresh oregano"... because I used 2 teaspoons of dry oregano, as I do not have an Aero Herb Garden... because really. I can't even keep fish alive up in my hizzy. I don't need one more thing to completely fail at doing. The list of my failures is long and wide and I don't need to add "kills tiny, innocent plants with fool-proof grow lights" to the agenda.

Let me tell you.... two teaspoons of oregano in this soup will choke you up. The whole house smelled like an Italian restaurant literally burned to the ground. I think if you could get past it, the soup would have been on the higher end of "meh". We may try this again when the smell of oregano is out of my nostrils... like maybe October.


Mom:  4 - Please God, I have spent an hour and a half in this kitchen. It's fine. Just eat it. It's basically macaroni. Where is my vodka?

Elizabeth: 4 - This is nothing like I expected it to be.

Colby: 2 - It's too spicy. Also, why do all the soups you make have so many tomatoes? Did you know I hate tomatoes? Because I do. And I hate spices.

Marty: 3. Call it what it is -  It's oregano soup with a little bit of pasta.

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