Friday, February 26, 2016

Mexican Lime Soup

Photo and recipe from Jamie at

I have tried desperately not to fall behind on this blog, and yet here I am! HAHA!! Looks like we will be making at least two soups this weekend.

I had jury duty one week and that led to an existential crisis in my life. Jury duty is no joke. I really struggled. I also started some volunteer work with CASA. Soccer has started back up, Marty has gone back to work even though the thumb is not really healed, and all the prom dresses in the windows have Elizabeth dreaming of pageant season... which leads me back to my existential crisis... ha!!

Elizabeth is never sick. But seems like this season, she has caught every single bug that goes around. Another sore throat. A little more fever. She wanted more soup.

This wasn't the soup we originally planned on. We wanted to make this one:

But none of our local stores carried Israeli pearl couscous. This soup seemed like the next best thing.

I let Elizabeth make this nearly from scratch by herself. She is not a fan of chopping onions because her eyes are so sensitive, and she is REALLY not a fan of raw meat. So I did cut up the chicken for her. She also learned to roll the limes around on the counter before juicing. We did one with rolling and one without so she could see the difference in juice production... see, this is a learning experience! Alton Brown would be so proud.

The final verdict on the soup was pretty blah. If you want to make something like this, I would vote for this recipe instead:

We have made that several times and it has much more flavor, and more depth.


Mom: 5 - It's fine. It needs more solids. Basically chicken and juice.

Elizabeth: 5 - Kind of weird, but you can taste the lime.

Colby: 1 - GROSS. I don't like anything about it.

Marty: 5 - It's ok I guess, but I would rather have something else. Is that okay? Can I make something else?

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