Thursday, January 28, 2016

Classic beef and tomato macaroni soup

photo and recipe from Karlynn Johnston at the Kitchen Magpie

Soup #3 - Classic Beef and Tomato Macaroni Soup

Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day. Marty had to go to the doctor for a follow up on his injured hand (keeping the details clean because nobody wants to hear about that on a food blog.) Since both kids had medical issues they also needed to see the doctor about, Marty decided (or maybe I guilted him into, it's hard to remember all the details! So HAZY! :D ) taking the kids and making one big day of medical fun. Let's just say two of the three cried, and two of the three needed referrals. On top of everything else, Elizabeth has a cold (or if you ask her, it is SARS) and feels awful. I knew dinner was going to have to be something quick and easy, and when Elizabeth said that this soup was what she was craving, it seemed simple enough.

If I had actually read the recipe.

Instead, I gave the ingredients a quick perusal, knowing by the looks of it, that this soup is basically what we call goulash, and told Marty what to pick up at the store.

It wasn't until I got HOME that I realized this recipe is actually a crock pot recipe. Oops!! I didn't have 8-10 hours... I barely had 8-10 MINUTES.

So, Elizabeth browned the hamburger meat while I started chopping.

Side note - we have been buying fresh ground American only hamburger meat at the butcher instead of buying the pre-packaged Mexi-Canadi-Japan hamburger mixture at the local store. The difference is amazing. More flavor and less fat! We just don't eat it as often because it is a little more expensive.

Anyway, after chopping and browning, we basically threw everything in a pot and hoped for the best. I did eliminate about a cup and a half of the beef stock since this wasn't going to be simmering all day. I also probably should have waited a few minutes before throwing the uncooked pasta in, because it wasn't AS firm as I would have liked. (Marty tried to warn me but I quickly reminded him that obviously *I* am the cooking expert since *I* am the one with the blog.)

This recipe called for a couple of things I have never put in goulash - brown sugar and Italian seasoning. I don't know if that is what made the difference or not, but it really tasted good. Better than I expected for sure. The only thing I would change, if you are making it on the stovetop, I really think one can of tomatoes (either the chopped or the whole) would be plenty. I love tomatoes but it really seems like a LOT. This might not be an issue in the crock pot version.


Elizabeth: 7 - It's really good. I'm really sick. Do I have fever? I need a blanket.

Mom: 7 - Good southern comfort food. Very flavorful.

Colby: 0.01 - All. The. Tomatoes. I will try it because of your blog but just looking at it makes me gag. Ok yeah, it's awful. This is just horrible. I can't. I can't.

Marty: 7.5 - I will not be able to eat this because of my acid reflux but I will try a bite for your blog. Ok, two bites. Hang on, let me try one more bite. This is really good. I think I will take another Prilosec. I need a bowl.

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