Monday, January 25, 2016

Once upon a time...

My 16 year old daughter Elizabeth and I are obsessed with soups. If there were a Soup Rehab, we would think about going, but would probably not actually go, because we aren't ready to admit we are powerless over soup.

She is very interested in cooking and I am NOT. To me, it is such a chore! But since she will probably need to be able to feed her self someday and might want something besides her beloved French Toast, we have been working in the kitchen together a bit.

The problem with any meals in my house is that the stuff Elizabeth and I LOVE, my 11 year old son HATES or it gives my 42 year old husband acid reflux. *eye roll*. So dinner is a constant battle of, "Oh I am so excited!" and, "Are those tomatoes???" and, "Can I have cereal?"

One frustrating day, I said something along the lines of, "As God is my witness they're not going to lick me! I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I will find a soup everyone will eat! And they will never be hungry again!!" (said in my best Scarlett O'Hara voice...) And Elizabeth says, "We should make a new soup each week and we can all rank it!" and another friend of mine said, "You should BLOG about it!"

So here we are. 52 Soups in 2016. As it is already January 25, we have some catching up to do!

We decided each of us would rank the soups on a 1-10 scale on nothing but flavor. I could rank the ease of making or the cost of the soup, but that seems a little overwhelming. If a soup is particularly complicated or insanely easy, I will try to mention it.

And let's be honest. We will start with all the easy stuff and work our way up to October or November (or seriously, June even) and we will be grasping at straws. We might even try a Peanut Butter and Jelly soup. Well, no, probably not. But we are going to do our best to try new things like tofu and other things we aren't really used to eating. It will be a Foodventure.

Soups on!


  1. So excited to read your blog!!!

  2. Truly, you are my hero. I will be reading (and perhaps testing) along on your great soup saga!
